In this notebook we will use depth first search(DFS) to find solution for the given Maze. We will start by importing the libraries required for the code.

  • clear_output - used to clear cell output
  • matplotlib.pyplot - use to plot the maze path
  • %matplotlib inline - to properly format matplotlib output inside jupyter notebook
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from IPython.display import clear_output
%matplotlib inline

We will start by reading the maze file and reading it into python list with preprocessing

here we will substitue % and . with number so that matplotlib can correcly render the maze

  • % is substituted as 0
  • ` is substituted as2`
!cat BigMaze.txt
%       % % %           %   %     % %
% %%%%%%% % %%% % %%% %%% %%%%%%% % %
%       %       % %     %     % %   %
%%%%% %%%%% %%% % % % %%% %%%%% % %%%
%   % % % %   % % % %   % %   % %   %
% %%% % % % %%% %%%%% %%% % %%% %%% %
%       %     %   %   %     % % %   %
%%% %%%%%%%%% %%%%%%% %%% %%% % % % %
%             %       % %   %     % %
% % %%%%% % %%% % % %%% % %%% %%% % %
% % %     % % % % %     %   % % % % %
% % % %%%%%%% % %%%%%%%%% %%% % %%% %
% % % %     %   %     %     %   %   %
%%% %%% % %%%%% %%%%% %%% %%% %%%%% %
%     % % %     % %     % %   % % % %
% % % % % %%% %%% %%% %%% % % % % % %
% % % % %                 % % %     %
%%% %%%%%%% % % %%%%% %%% % %%% %%%%%
%       % % % %     %   %     % %   %
%%%%% % % %%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%% % %%%
%   % %           % %     %   % %   %
% %%% %%%%% %%%%%%%%% %%%%% % % %%% %
% %   %      %        %     %       %
% % % %%%%% %%% % % % % %%%%%%%%%%%%%
% % %   %     % % % %       %   % % %
% % %%% %%% % % % %%%%%%%%% %%% % % %
% %   % %   % % %   % %   % % %     %
% %%% %%% %%%%% %%% % % %%%%% % %%%%%
%       %   %     % %     %   % %   %
%%% % %%%%% %%%%% %%% %%% % %%% % %%%
% % % % % % % %     % %   % %   % % %
% % %%% % % % % %%%%%%%%% % % % % % %
%   %   %   %                 %     %
% % % % %%% %%% %%%%%%% %%% %%% %%% %
%.% % %       %   %       %   % %  P%
file_name = "BigMaze.txt"
maze = []
start = None
stop = None
with open(file_name, 'r') as file:
    for i,line in enumerate(file):
        line = line.rstrip()
        row = []
        for j,c in enumerate(line):
            if c=='P':
                start = (i,j)  # start
            elif c=='.':
                stop = (i,j)  # stop
            elif c == '%':
                row.append(0) #  % are 0s
                row.append(2) #  spaces are 1s

ROW = len(maze)
COL = len(maze[0])

fig,ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(7,7))   
ax.set_xticks([]) # remove the tick marks by setting to an empty list
ax.set_yticks([]) # remove the tick marks by setting to an empty list
ax.invert_yaxis() #invert the y-axis so the first row of data is at the top 
import copy
copy_maze = copy.deepcopy(maze)
(37, 37)

Psuedo Code of DFS

      DFS(G,v)   ( v is the vertex where the search starts )
         Stack S := {};   ( start with an empty stack )
         for each vertex u, set visited[u] := false;
         push S, v;
         while (S is not empty) do
            u := pop S;
            if (not visited[u]) then
               visited[u] := true;
               for each unvisited neighbour w of u
                  push S, w;
            end if
         end while
      END DFS()


Here they have described an iterative implementation but I will implement in recursive way which is much easier to code.

def DFS(maze,start,stop,WALL):
    visited = set() # visited set so that we do not visist them again
    parent = dict() # contains parent of each cell from which it is visited
    visited.add(start) # add start to visited
    parent[start]=start  # make start as parent of itself because it is source cell
    SZ=7 # size of plot
    def _dfs(f):
        clear_output(wait=True)  # clear previous output
        # mark f as visited
        # Code to display visited cell
        copy_maze[f[0]][f[1]]=1;  # 
        fig,ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(SZ,SZ)) 
        ax.set_xticks([]) # remove the tick marks by setting to an empty list
        ax.set_yticks([]) # remove the tick marks by setting to an empty list
        ax.set_aspect('equal') # same aspect ratio for X and Y
        ax.invert_yaxis() #invert the y-axis so the first row of data is at the top
        # get all the 4 neighbours of f
        top = (f[0]-1,f[1]+0)
        bottom = (f[0]+1,f[1]+0)
        left = (f[0]+0,f[1]-1)
        right = (f[0]+0,f[1]+1)
        # if f is the destination vertex we are done
        if f==stop:
            print("Found Path")
            return True
        # visit the valid neighbours that are not yet visited
        for pos in [top,bottom,left,right]:
            if -1<pos[0]<ROW and -1<pos[1]<COL and maze[pos[0]][pos[1]]!=WALL and pos not in visited:
                if _dfs(pos) == True:
                    return True
        # if no path found
        return False
    # code to get the actual path
    p = stop
    path = [p]
    while parent[p]!=p:
        p = parent[p]
    return path
dfs_path = DFS(maze,start,stop,0)
Found Path
for p in dfs_path:
fig,ax = plt.subplots(1,2,figsize=(SZ,SZ))   
ax[0].set_xticks([]) # remove the tick marks by setting to an empty list
ax[0].set_yticks([]) # remove the tick marks by setting to an empty list
ax[0].invert_yaxis() #invert the y-axis so the first row of data is at the top 
ax[0].set_title("All the Visited cells")

ax[1].set_xticks([]) # remove the tick marks by setting to an empty list
ax[1].set_yticks([]) # remove the tick marks by setting to an empty list
ax[1].invert_yaxis() #invert the y-axis so the first row of data is at the top 
ax[1].set_title("Final DFS Path")
Text(0.5, 1.0, 'Final DFS Path')